Click on a tab to find out more details about any activity.
Competition squash for players 35 years and older.
Time Wednesday 7pm-late
Contact Scott Caban | 0417 295 173
Time 1st Saturday of the month 1.30-4pm
Annual show in March
Contact Ian Reid | 6231 8959
Time Sunday 8.30am-12.30pm
Location Weston Neighbourhood Hall
Contact Joseph Ikea | 0410 554 035
Exercise classes for the elderly and disabled.
Time Tuesday 10am-11am
Location Weston Neighbourhood Hall
Contact Rebecca Davey| 6288 4244
Dru Yoga is a simple and effective form of exercise that harmonises the body, heart and mind. It will enable you to unlock energy, manage stress and harness your inner strength.
Time Saturday 8.30-10am
Cost $21/session | $105/5 classes | $85/5 classes-concession
Contact Weston Creek Community Centre | 6288 1144 |
Beginner / Intermediate
Learn the exotic art of belly-dance with Maxima.
Discover the Goddess within, gain confidence and self worth. Great gentle workout for the whole body. Great for mum-to-be and after, to get the tummy back in shape. Also help to align the spine.
Time Friday 10.30am-12pm
Cost $12.00/class
Contact Weston Creek Community Centre | 6288 1144 |
Time Wednesday 10am-12pm & Friday 11am-12.15pm
Location Weston Neighbourhood Hall
Contact Julie King | 0408 464 690
Venue Weston Neighbourhood Hall
Time Sunday 21 May
Contact Tracy 0408 461 348 | Carol 0407 442 256
Time Wednesday 6-7pm
Contact Nick Wong | 0408 893 640
Time Saturday 9am-12pm
Location Weston Neighbourhood Hall
Contact Tony Marx | 0409 990 703
Time 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month 1-4pm
Contact Lindy Dugard | 0419 907 803
Flynn Community Hall
Time Monday and Tuesday 3.45-7.45pm
Contact Victoria | 0432 484 785
Holt Neighbourhood Hall
Time Tuesday 10am-3pm
Chifley Community Room
Time Friday 9am-3pm
Contact 6296 9968
Holt Neighbourhood Hall
Time Wednesday 6.15-9.15pm
Contact Roderick Dadios | 0435 623 386
Weston Neighbourhood Hall
Time Tuesday 11.30am-12.30pm
Contact 6255 0722
The School of Arms and Armour
The School of Arms and Armour is a group dedicated to the study and teaching of the martial arts of medieval Europe. We use the surviving medieval fencing manuals, or fechtbücher, to try to learn the ways of combat practiced by medieval knights.
Time Monday 6.45-8.45pm
Wednesday 6.30-8.30pm
Contact Cornelius Weber | 0432 585 677
Flynn Community Hub Hall and Holt Neighbourhood Hall
Time Various times
Contact Danni | 0403 659 734
A special exercise class conducted using fit balls. A small group for maximum benefit.
Time Wednesday 9.30-10.30am
Cost $100/10 week term or $12/class
Contact Weston Creek Community Centre | 6288 1144 |
GKR Karate
Time Saturday 2-4pm
Contact David Mogford 0431 801 655
A safe, gentle physical activity program for everyone to enjoy.
Time Tuesday 11.30am-12.30pm | Thursday 11am-12pm
Contact Donna O’Brien | 0412 026 111
Holt Neighbourhood Hall
Time Tuesday 6-8.30pm
Contact Daniel Perez | 0478 214 445
Chifley Community Meeting Room
Time 3rd Saturday of the month 12-5pm
Contact Juanita Datu | 0423 366 775 |
Time Various times during the week
Location Weston Neighbourhood Hall
Contact Jacqueline Reber | 6294 1023 | 0438 104 860
Holt Neighbourhood Hall
Time Saturday 12-3.30pm
Contact Michael Gill | 0414 748 423
Time Tuesday 7-9pm
Contact George | 0450 577 480
Classes are held all year round except Public Holidays. A thorough exercise program in a friendly and purposeful atmosphere. Best way to start your day.
Time Tuesday, Friday 9.30-10.30am
Cost $10/class
Contact Weston Creek Community Centre | 6288 1144 |
Uses a single dumbbell to provide a fun, challenging and effective workout that is suitable for all ages and fitness levels.
Time Monday 9-10am
Cost $10.00/class
Contact Weston Creek Community Centre | 6288 1144 |
Holt Neighbourhood Hall
Time Friday 9.30am-12.30pm
Contact Petra D’wyer| 0402 235 825
Weston Neighbourhood Hall
Time Tuesday 1-5pm
Contact Julie Hearne 0417 417 273
At the heart of No Lights No Lycra (NLNL) is the belief that everyone can dance. NLNL is a global dance community providing an inclusive and non-judgmental place for people to explore this notion. NLNL brings people together to experience freedom of self-expression and joy.
Time Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm
Cost $10.00/class
Contact Lauren | 0402 479 974
Time Friday 4-7.30pm
Contact Perform Australia | 1300 908 905
Flynn Community Hub Hall
Time Monday & Thursday 9am-12pm
Contact Stan Walker 0427 007 027
Time Tuesday 11am-12pm
Cost $12.00/class
Contact Danna| 0477 044 607
Holt Neighbourhood Hall
Time Monday 6.45-8.15pm | Thursday 10.45am-12.15pm
Contact Cherryl Fuller | 0427 734 271
Time Thursday 10am-12noon
Location Weston Neighbourhood Hall
Contact Pam Cooke | 0427 396 952
Time Friday 10.30am-12pm
Location Flynn Community Hall
Contact Julianna | 0418 438 373
A local and independent Baptist Church preaching the gospel in Canberra.
Time Sunday 10-11.30am | Sunday 5.30-6.30pm | Wednesday 7-8.15pm
Contact Pastor Frank Tottingham | 0438 338 710 |
Time Saturday 11 February
Contact Graeme Bell 0407 958 428
Weston Creek Community Centre
Time Last Wednesday of the month 7-10pm
Contact Bill Gemmell| 0413 761 556
Our experienced and passionate instructor will make every class a party with high energy music and easy to follow choreography. You will feel welcomed and leave with a big smile and a sense of satisfaction.
- Burn calories & blast away fat
- Work out your whole body
- Build anaerobic endurance
- Boost cardio endurance
Time Tuesday 6-6.45pm
Cost $110 (10 weeks or $15 per session)
Contact Weston Creek Community Centre | 6288 1144 |
The lower impact, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired dance fitness-party that keeps you in the groove of life. Suitable for people starting, or returning to, a fitness program and also for active older adults.
Time Thursday 1.30-2.30pm
Cost $12.00/class
Contact Weston Creek Community Centre | 6288 1144 |